This manga series follows a boy on his journey to become a demon slayer after demons destroy his family. His adventures have excited Japanese comic fans of all ages, inspiring a movie, anime series and worldwide franchise. Join Nezuko, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Giyu, and Inosuke on their next exciting journey.
- Demon Slayer Light: This cool light is inspired by the anime cartoon, Demon Slayer. Display in your room to show your fandom for Nezuko, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Giyu, and friends. Lamp is dual powered, and features the famous Logo from the animated se
- Demon Slayer Logo Light, Free Standing or Wall Mount Decorative Light
- Demon Slayer Light: This cool light is inspired by the anime cartoon, Demon Slayer. Display in your room to show your fandom for Nezuko, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Giyu, and friends. Lamp is dual powered, and features the famous Logo from the animated se