This system features the Intel Core i5-14400F processor, delivering solid performance for gaming, content creation, and multitasking. It’s paired with an ASUS motherboard with Wi-Fi support and 32GB (2x16GB) of Corsair Vengeance 6000MHz DDR5 memory for high-speed performance and seamless multitasking. The 500GB NVMe SSD ensures fast storage access with quick boot and load times. For gaming, the ASUS RTX 4060 Dual-Evo 8GB graphics card delivers excellent 1080p and 1440p gaming performance. Cooling is handled by the Xigmatek Air Killer Pro cooler, and the 700W Xigmatek Odin power supply provides reliable power delivery. The system is housed in the Montech Sky Two Black case, designed with optimal airflow, a sleek aesthetic, and a tempered glass side panel for showcasing the internals.
- Core I5 14400F
- RTX 4060
- 32GB RAM