Our silica gel packets can be used to absorb moisture and keep things dry. They are ideal to reuse throughout your home in places where you might be worried about excess moisture. br> To save your cellphone from water damage br> To help keep photos safe and free from moisture br> To keep important documents safe br> To prevent tarnish on gold or silver br> To prevent your valuable camera from moisture br> To keep your leather items stay away from moisture br> To use in each container in your basement, garage, or storage unit to absorb excess moisture br> To help preserve your ornaments and Christmas decorations
- WHAT YOU GET300 packs 0.5 gram silica gel desiccant packets. (Packet dimension: 0.7inches x 1.3inches) A ziplock bag sealed outside, convenient to protect the rest of desiccant packs from moisture
- GREAT ABSORBING CAPACITYSilica gel beads can absorb 40% of its weight in water vapor and 15% in the first two hours. No change in size or shape even the desiccant beads become saturated, feels and looks dry, keep everything dry and safe. In ver
- INDICATING DESICCANTSOur desiccant bags contain orange indicating beads that enables users to quickly determine when desiccant needs to be recharged or replaced, the orange crystals changing color to blackish green when they become saturated wi
- FOOD SAFEOur silica gel packets are Cobalt chloride free, non-toxic and odorless. Absorb moisture without any chemical reactions. Safe to be used with foods and medicines
- WIDE USAGEUse desiccant packets to protect your important documents, collectibles, books, valuable computers, electronics, camera lens, jewelry, photo album, leather items, shoes, jewelry, guns, ammos, etc.