Causes of Splayed Legs
The most common cause is the floor is too slippery and the baby chick's legs slip, causing tendon injury in the legs. For this reason, we do not advise putting newspaper or slick flooring in the bottom. Recommend towels for the bottom .
Address immediately
Baby chicks are most likely have the played legs problems and it is necessary to hobble the chick until it's legs get stronger.. Treat splayed legs right away is very important. Treat it immediately-Splayed legs seems to be a birth defect while it can be corrected.
SIZE: Elastic band long: 1 1/4"
Brace diameter: 1/8"
Brace long: 1/2"
NOTE: 1.In most cases, when splayed leg is caught early, it takes 24-48 hours with the braces on to recover. Do not fit for the 4 days old or older to treat, it is likely to be late to resolved.
2.Chicks grow very quickly in the first few days you need to remove and reapply the leg hobbles every 24 hours to check the healing situation.
3.The leg hobbles should be put on lower legs (below hocks) and allow enough room for the chick to stand with its legs, so chick can balance and practice walking.
- HOBBLE YOUR BABY CHICK: Many newly hatched chicks has the splayed leg problems. With the Leg Hobbles could help to support the legs in a natural position, until the legs be strongly enough to support the chick without the need of brace. | CORREC
- 50 Pack Baby Chick Leg Hobbles Hobbling Chicken Hobble Braces for Spraddle Leg Repair of 1 to 3 Days Newly Hatched
- HOBBLE YOUR BABY CHICK: Many newly hatched chicks has the splayed leg problems. With the Leg Hobbles could help to support the legs in a natural position, until the legs be strongly enough to support the chick without the need of brace.