Technology in conjunction with precisely placed acupuncture sites and customizable frequency. it offers a clean environment and stimulation for safety, to enhance blood circulation, and to treat muscle discomfort, Enhances blood circulation, reduces weariness, boosts immunity, and enhances sleep quality. Eases muscle soreness and skin irritation to assist relieve body discomfort, including back, knee, shoulder, neck, and elbow pain.
- A triple-purpose action (2) Node type: suited for portion of the body discomfort (3) Ball type: suitable for quick pain relief. (1) Ball type: suitable for health care and face attractiveness. The painful location cannot be easily targeted by a need
- Functioning tenet: The single-phase electrical theory behind the acupuncture pen's probe portion, which depends on the body's own static electricity to form a loop. A person must place their hand directly on your skin in order for the acupuncture pen
- The product offers nine adjustable intensity control features. The control will briefly flash red when its power source is zero before automatically turning off. By clicking a button, you can go from level 1 to level higher. The levels are ranked fro
- Acupuncture point: To locate acupuncture points, the Meridian energy pen uses magnetic force. It doesn't have to penetrate very far into the human body. It has a 3 cm magnetic field range. It works as long as the pain point is located close to the a
- Rechargeable or with a built-in battery: The item in this link requires an AA battery, which is not supplied. Safe and efficient for use at home.