Inspired by the animated character from the classic Disney movie, the Royal Fashion Reveal Cinderella doll and fashions set offers a fun unboxing experience. The closet-inspired package reveals a Cinderella fashion doll, a special character friend, and 12 beautiful fashions and accessories. These can be mixed and matched to create over 125 unique looks. The Cinderella fashion doll is poseable and has brushable hair for styling. This set makes a perfect gift for kids to play out their favorite movie moments or create their own stories.
- Inspired by the animated character from the classic Disney movie, Royal Fashion Reveal Cinderella doll and fashions set is a fun unboxing experience that fans will love!
- Kids can unbox the closet-inspired package to reveal their doll's fashion and accessories
- Cinderella fashion doll is poseable and has brushable hair that kids can style.