This is a filter for a Standard Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Unit or any type of Ice Machines, Water Coolers RV & many other applications. The specifications of the filter are as follows: Inline Coconut Grade Activated Carbon Filter is also known as polishing filters, because they would usually be the last stage of any standard Reverse Osmosis circuit. Being made of high quality coconut shell carbon they stabilize the water tasting qualities and further remove any traces of bad tastes and odors. Product Features: Pre/Post Membrane Filter Incorporating coconut grade activated granular carbon for better tasting water. Female Pipe Thread Flow Rate: 0.75 GPM (2.8 LPM) Temp Range: 40 -100 Pressure Range: 30-125PSI Dimensions: 10 x 2 Lifetime: Replace ones in 2 years
THIS FILTER IS FOR a Standard Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Unit or any type of Ice Machines, Water Coolers RV & Many Other Applications and WELL-MATCHED Models of Cartridges: Woder WD-10K, Watts 43000140, LASCO 37-1821, Omnipure K2533JJ and CL10ROT33-B, Culligan IC-100A, EZ-FLO 60461, AQUACREST GXRTDR, Hydronix ICF-10, iSpring FT15, APPLIED MEMBRANES H-F1032-43A, Express Water FLTINQ-V, WATTS-AICRO, Aquaboon T33, Naples Naturals SPR-PiecesF2510
- Inline Coconut Grade Activated Carbon Post Filter
- LIFETIME: REPLACE every 2 years, depending on the water quality
- This Filter Is Wrapped & Sealed & Meets NSF Standards and Regulations. DIMENSIONS: 10 X 2
- WELL-FIT FOLLOWING REVERS OSMOSIS WATER FILTER SYSTEMS: iSpring RCC7, RCC7AK, RCC7U and RCC1UP, APEC ROES-PH75, Express Water ROALKUV10M, NU Aqua Platinum 799789985164, Geekpure RO5, Global Water RO-505, PureDrop RTW5, HiKiNS RO-125G