We will use leading-edge, proprietary technologies to provide top-quality products and services that contribute to the advancement of culture, science, technology and industry, as well as improved health and environmental protection in society. Our overarching aim is to help enhance the quality of life of people worldwide. We will create new value by integrating our distinctive and leading-edge technologies as well as turning out proprietary technologies to continue providing top-quality products and services that cultivate customer trust and satisfaction. Through these efforts we will transcend past boundaries of “Imaging and Information” to advance the development of culture, science, technology and industry across society and furthermore improve human health and protect the environment.
- Produces very fine grain yet with all the high-speed advantages of an ISO 800 film
- No colour mixing between film layers skin tones will be neutral
- Enhanced developing process produces a more rapid image
- Less waiting time for complete development
- Glossy finish and is an excellent choice for general use, portraiture or even with electronic flash