For adults, take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per day, with meals, or as directed by a physician. Storage: May be kept refrigerated or stored at room temperature, keep away from heat or direct sunlight.
Calories (45), Fat Calories (45), Total Fat (5 g, 7.5%), Saturated Fats (1 g, 5%), 100 Pure ColdPressed Black Cumin seed Oil (5 g), Omega3 Alphalinolenic acid ALA (0.3%), Omega6 linoleic acid (58.8%), Omega9 oleic acid OA (22%),l
- MILD TASTING - Egyptian Black Seed Oil Contains USDA Certified Organic Ingredients and is Milder in Flavor with No Aftertaste for Consumers Who Possess a Lighter Palate
- QUALITY INGREDIENTS - Using the Highest Quality, Organic, Egyptian-Grown, Pesticide-Free and Non-Irradiated Nigella Sativa Seeds Containing No Preservatives or Hidden Synthetic Chemicals
- NATURAL HEALTH BENEFITS - Black Cumin Seed Oil Provides Immune Support, Aids in Digestive Health, Promotes Healthy Joints, Improves Brain Function that Restores Vitality & Improves Life Quality
- COLD-PRESSED IN THE USA - Amazing Herbs Utilizes Unique Screw-Type Presses that Gently Squeeze the Oil from the Seeds which Preserves the Oils Antioxidants and Retains a Higher Level of Nutrients
- OUR STORY - Original Manufacturers of Black Seed Health & Nutritional Supplements in the World & One of the First Nutraceutical Company's to Introduce it to the Health & Nutrition Industry in the US