For ideal puppy growth from the 1st month especially for small dogsThe perfect fat and protein content of Happy Dog NaturCroq Mini Puppy provides all-round support for puppies and young dogs of small breeds from 1st to 12th month and ensures harmonious and healthy growth. Small dogs grow more evenly than medium-sized or large breed dogs. In the first twelve months of life, however, the basis for the healthy development of puppies and young dogs of small dog breeds is laid. In this respect, the optimal supply of proteins and nutrients is of fundamental importance.High energy requirements in small puppiesPuppies who are full of curiosity to discover the world as well as young dogs who play and romp tirelessly need more energy than adult dogs. This means that their need for proteins and minerals is increased. To meet these needs, we recommend a good puppy food for your little puppy, such as our NaturCroq Mini Puppy. This will provide your little puppy with ideal care and allow it to develop optimally.