Discover the enchanting world of the Secret Mermaid Treasure - a magical surprise waiting to be unveiled! Dive into a glittery soft mermaid that will captivate your imagination. With 8 surprises to unbox, each experience is a delightful journey of discovery. Collect all 12 unique mermaids, each with their own special charm and personality. Let your creativity take flight as you brush and shape their long, beautiful hair. Will you uncover a shimmering, glittery mermaid? Or perhaps a mermaid with curly locks? The possibilities are endless - which mermaid will you find? Embrace the mystery and let the magic unfold with Secret Mermaid Treasure.
- Includes: 1 shell, 1 Mermaid doll, 1 Marine Pet, 1 Heart Box, 1 Comb, 1 sheet Glitter Tattoos, 1 Pearl Bracelet Kit, 1 Hair Accessory, 1 sheet self-adhesive gems, 1 collectors booklet