The Automatic Deck contains a secret marking system, giving you the ability to know a card without even seeing its face! The deck is also "tapered" (a stripper deck) giving you the ability to control a card or groups of cards by touch alone, anywhere in the deck. To top it off, this deck has yet another secret marking system giving you the ability to instantly name the location of any card. Stepbystep instruction allows you to easily and quickly master these effects for jaw dropping performances every time! History in Magic: The ideas and design of this deck were created by Theodore l. De Land in the first decade of the 1900s. More than 100 years later, De Land's marked deck and his other magical inventions continue to fool audiences everywhere and even the most discerning spectator.
- These are magic trick cards containing a secret marking system ; know a card without even seeing it’s face ; control a card or groups of cards by touch alone ; instantly name the location of any card ; trick marked cards & magic deck combined