The universal gaming surface ONIKUMA MP006 with an original geometric print and color RGB backlight will appeal to both avid gamers and ordinary users of PCs and laptops. Such a computer mat will protect the surface of the table from abrasions and scratches that appear during the use of a laptop, keyboard and mouse. The surface of the mat is quite wear-resistant and is suitable for any type of mouse.
Thanks to its increased dimensions of 80*30 cm, this gaming surface can be used both for a keyboard and mouse from a desktop PC, and for installing a laptop with a mouse on it.
The bottom of the ONIKUMA MP006 mat is made of a ribbed rubberized material that will prevent the mat from sliding on a smooth table surface.
The original feature of this gaming surface is the presence of colored RGB backlighting around the entire perimeter of the mat. To make the backlighting work, the mat must be connected to a power source via a USB cable and the button on the remote control in the upper left corner must be pressed. The same button can be used to select one of 13 backlighting modes. To turn off the backlighting, hold this button for 3 seconds.
The ONIKUMA MP006 gaming surface with RGB backlighting comes with a fairly long USB cable - 150 cm, which will easily reach a remote power source. The computer pad is packed in a colorful cardboard box, which will undoubtedly make it an excellent gift for any teenager or adult.