MULTIPURPOSE: Multi functional mixing bowl that can be used as a baking mixing bowl and serving bowl, for dips, salads, and fruit, etc.
EASY TO CLEAN: The stainless steel bowl is to touch food and easy to clean, for your healthy meal prep program or dinner.
PRACTICAL TABLEWARE: Mixing bowl is a practical kitchen tableware, ideal for scenarios such as home kitchens, cafes, tea houses, restaurants, hotels, etc.
STAINLESS STEEL MATERIAL: 304 stainless steel mixing bowl for strength and durability, the metal will not stain or absorb odors, and it is resistant.
مادة الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ: وعاء خلط من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 304 من أجل القوة والمتانة، لن يتلطخ المعدن أو يمتص الروائح، كما أنه مقاوم.